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90+ Core

María Corrada, ScD, Professor, Neurology, Epidemiology, School of Medicine

The oldest-old represent the fastest growing segment of the population and have the highest rates of dementia. Yet, oldest-old individuals are severely understudied as they are often excluded from research. The 90+ Core, led by María Corrada, ScD, integrates data and resources from The 90+ Study into the UCI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center to improve the capacity for much-needed research in the oldest-old.

The 90+ Core coordinates brain donation and post-mortem brain imaging from participants who have agreed to autopsy and leads recruitment efforts of underrepresented ethnicities into autopsy and imaging studies. In addition, the 90+ Core maintains a data resource on clinical, biomarker, genetics, and neuropathology data to facilitate resource sharing among researchers who study the oldest-old. With particular expertise for conducting studies of the oldest-old, the 90+ Core also provides education and training for the next generation of clinicians and researchers.
