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Aileen J. Anderson, PhD

Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Director, Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center

Role of inflammation in degeneration and regeneration of injured CNS; human CNS stem cell engraftment

Lydia Ann, MD

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry

Geriatric psychiatry

Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD

Professor, Pediatrics; Anatomy & Neurobiology; Neurology

Epilepsy, Fever-induced (febrile) seizures of children, Learning and memory deficits after stress and seizures

Kevin T. Beier, PhD

Associate Professor, Physiology & Biophysics

Neuroscience, Neural Circuits, Neural plasticity, Molecular Neuroscience, Behavior, Technique Development, Viral-genetic

Mathew Blurton-Jones, PhD

Professor, Neurobiology & Behavior

Animal models; neurotrophins; stem cell biology

Emiliana Borrelli, PhD

Chancellor's Professor, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics; Joint Appointment, Pharmacology

dopaminergic neurons, pharmacology, animal models, neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases

Gregory J. Brewer, PhD

Professor, Biomedical Engineering

neuroscience, Alzheimer's disease, neuronal networks, neuron cell culture

Michael Bueno

Michael Bueno, PhD, MSN, RN, CNL

Associate Clinical Professor, Nursing

Caregiver Health, Alzheimer's & dementia caregivers, Male caregivers, Nursing Simulation

Jorge A. Busciglio, PhD

Professor, Neurobiology & Behavior

Axonal transport; Down syndrome; mitochondrial dysfunction; oxidative stress

Sarah Campbell

Sarah Campbell, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Associate Clinical Professor, Nursing

Holistic & Integrative Approaches to Patient Care, Motivational Interviewing, Wellness, Geriatric Care, Shared Decision-Making, Interprofessional and APRN Education

Cameron Carter, MD

Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior

Neural mechanisms underlying attention, memory, and
cognitive control

Jefferson W. Chen, MD

Clinical Professor and Acting Chair, Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine

Brain tumors, normal pressure hydrocephalus, stroke and stroke recovery, traumatic brain injury

María M. Corrada, ScM, ScD

Professor, Neurology, Epidemiology - School of Medicine

Aging, dementia, oldest-old, risk and protective factors for dementia, longitudinal epidemiological studies.

David Cribbs, PhD

Professor in Residence, Neurology

Alzheimer’s disease; cerebral vascular pathology; immunotherapy.

Brian Cummings, PhD

Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Spinal cord injury; stem cell biology

Karen L. Edwards, PhD

Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics; Population Health & Disease Prevention

Genetic epidemiology of complex diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease; gene x environment interactions; mixed methods research

Ali Ezzati, MD

Associate Clinical Professor, Neurology

Predictive analytics for cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease

Mark J. Fisher MD

Professor, Neurology

Mechanisms of stroke, vascular neurobiology, blood-brain barrier

Lisa Flanagan, PhD

Professor, Neurology

Neural stem cell proliferation, differentiation, neurogenesis

Christine Gall, PhD

Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Neurobiology & Behavior

adult synaptic plasticity, memory encoding, synaptic modulators, intellectual disability, autism, adhesion proteins, neurotrophic factors

Daniel L. Gillen, PhD

Professor and Chair, Statistics; Epidemiology

Biostatistics; design and analysis of clinical trials; longitudinal data analysis; group sequential methods

Charles Glabe, PhD

Professor, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Amyloid Aß; amyloid assembly; amyloid structure; Alzheimer’s pathogenesis

Crystal M. Glover, PhD

Associate Professor, Neurology, School of Medicine; Outreach Recruitment & Engagement Core Leader

Health disparities in aging and dementia, social determinants of health, research recruitment

Alan L. Goldin, MD, PhD

Professor, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Physiology & Biophysics, Anatomy & Neurobiology, School of Medicine; Director, Medical Scientist Training Program

Ion Channels and Central Nervous System Disease

Kim Green, PhD

Professor, Neurobiology & Behavior

Works on Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics.

Joshua D. Grill, PhD

Director, UCI MIND; Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Neurobiology and Behavior

Alzheimer’s disease; clinical trials

Elizabeth Head, PhD

Professor, Vice Chair for Research, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Director, Experimental Pathology PhD Program

Claire Henchcliffe, MD, DPhil

Stanley van den Noort Professor and Chair, Neurology

Parkinson's disease, neurodegenerative disorders, regenerative neurology

Christy Hom, Ph.D., ABPdN

Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior

Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, intellectual disabilities

Kei Igarashi, PhD

Chancellor's Fellow Associate Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology

Memory, olfaction, Alzheimer's disease, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex

Claudia H. Kawas, MD

Professor, Neurology; Neurobiology & Behavior

Successful aging; The 90+ Study; Oldest old, Dementia; Alzheimer’s disease.

Virginia E. Kimonis, MD

Chief, Division of Genetics and Metabolism; Professor, Pediatrics

Neuromuscular disorders, inclusion body myopathy, Paget disease, frontotemporal dementia, Prader Willi, morbid obesity, craniosynostosis

Masashi Kitazawa, PhD

Associate Professor, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH), Department of Medicine/OEM; Affiliated Member, Public Health

Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative diseases, myopathies, inflammation, microglia

Albert La Spada, MD, PhD, FACMGG

Distinguished Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine and Neurology; Associate Dean for Research Development; Director, UCI Institute for Neurotherapeutics; Vice Chair, Dept. of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Vice Chair, Neurology

Frank M. LaFerla, PhD

Director, UCI Alzheimer's Disease Research Center; Dean, Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences

Alzheimer’s disease; animal models, inclusion body myositis (IBM); Lewy body dementia; pre-clinical drug development; stem cell biology

Jung-Ah Lee

Jung-Ah Lee, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN

Professor, Nursing

Minority Aging, Caregiving, Health Equity, Dyad Research, Chronic Disease Management, Digital Health, Intervention studies using mixed methods

Sunmin Lee, ScD

Professor, Department of Epidemiology; Co-Leader, Cancer Control Program Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Social Epidemiology, Health Disparities, Cancer Prevention & Cancer Survivorship, Community-Based Participatory Research, Mixed-Methods Research, Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), Minority & Immigrant Health

Michael Leon, PhD

Professor Emeritus, Neurobiology and Behavior

Cognitive enhancement in older adults

Wei Li, PhD

Endowed Chair and Professor of Bioinformatics, Division of Computational Biomedicine, Biological Chemistry

Computational Epigenomics and Transcriptomics

Charles Limoli, PhD

Professor, Radiation Oncology

Oxidative stress, Neurogenesis, Stem cells, Transplantation, Chemobrain, Irradiation, Cognitive dysfunction

Karen D. Lincoln, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA

Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health; Director, Center for Environmental Health Disparities Research, Susan & Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences

Health disparities, mental health, social determinants of health, African Americans, brain health, minority aging

Ira T. Lott, MD

Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics and Neurology

Down syndrome.

Gary Lynch, PhD

Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior, Anatomy & Neurobiology

Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity: LTP, glutamate receptors and cell adhesion molecules; Cellular deficits underlying cognitive impairment in animal model sof cognitive impairment; Cellular mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability in brain aging

Grant MacGregor, DPhil

Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology

Mouse Models of Neurodegeneration

Bryce Mander, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior

Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disorders, Cognitive Aging, Alzheimer’s Disease, Memory, Neurodegeneration

Mark Mapstone, PhD

Clinical Professor, Neurology

Alzheimer’s disease; cognitive aging; blood biomarkers; memory; translational neuroscience; neuropsychology

Edwin S. Monuki, MD, PhD

Chair, Pathology; Developmental & Cell Biology

Choroid plexus; stem cells; Alzheimer’s disease; cortical development.

Ali Mortazavi, PhD

Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology

Transcriptional Regulation, Genomics, Long-range chromatin interactions, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq

Tahseen Mozaffar, MD

Clinical Professor, Neurology

ALS; neuromuscular disorders; compression neuropathy; clinical trials.

Bin Nan, PhD

Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics

survival analysis, analysis of high-dimensional brain image data, analysis of longitudinal data with change-points, terminal events, and variables subject to limit of detection.

James Nowick, PhD

Distinguished Professor, Chemistry

Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology

Adey Nyamathi

Adey M. Nyamathi, ANP, PhD, FAAN

Distinguished Professor, Nursing

HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, vulnerable populations including previously incarcerated, homeless, rural women of India and gay/bisexual youth

Diane O’Dowd, PhD

HHMI Professor, Vice Provost, Academic Personnel, Developmental and Cell Biology

Synaptic transmission, plasticity, genetics, learning and memory.

Mari Perez-Rosendahl, MD

Assistant Professor, Pathology



Professor | Founding Associate Dean for Research Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing

Congenital heart disease across the lifespan, cognition, psychosocial / Social Determinants of Health outcomes, and neuroimaging

Ahmad Sajjadi, MD, PhD, MRCP

Associate Professor, Neurology

Memory disorders; neurology

Steven S. Schreiber, MD

Professor, Neurology; Anatomy & Neurobiology

Alzheimer’s disease; clinical trials.

Xiaoyu Shi, PhD

Assistant Professor, Developmental & Cell Biology, Chemistry

Single-cell spatial multiomics of intact tissues

Craig E. L. Stark, PhD

Professor, Neurobiology & Behavior

Brain imaging; cognitive neuroscience.

Joan S. Steffan, PhD

Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior

Huntington’s disease

David Sultzer, MD, Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior, School of Medicine

David Sultzer, MD

Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior

Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry

Vivek Swarup, PhD

Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior

Neurodegeneration, Systems Biology, Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Epigenetics, Genetics, Alzheimer's disease, Therapeutics, Aging

Steven Tam, MD

Associate Clinical Professor, Medicine


Andrea J. Tenner, PhD

Professor, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Innate Immunity; Inflammation; Complement; Alzheimer’s disease; Neuroprotection; Neurodegeneration.

Gaby T. Thai, MD

Clinical Professor, Neurology

Dementia; Clinical trials.

Leslie M. Thompson, PhD

Professor, Psychiatry & Human Behavior; Neurobiology & Behavior

Huntington’s disease; stem cell biology; animal models.

Leigh Turner, PhD

Professor, Public Health, Health, Society & Behavior

Health ethics; translational research ethics; deceptive advertising and exploitation of vulnerable persons.

John H. Weiss, MD, PhD

Professor, Neurology; Anatomy & Neurobiology

ALS; Alzheimer’s disease; epilepsy; stroke.

Marcelo Wood, PhD

Professor and Chair, Neurobiology & Behavior

Epigenetics; Learning and memory.

Xiangmin Xu, PhD

Professor, Anatomy and Neurobiology

Neural circuits, Cell-type specific, Electrophysiology, Imaging, Optical stimulation, Molecular genetics

Michael Yassa, PhD

Professor, Neurobiology and Behavior, Psychiatry, Neurology

Learning and memory, neuroimaging, biomarkers, aging and dementia

William Yong, MD

Chief of Neuropathology; Director, Neuropathology Fellowship Program; Professor, Pathology

Neuropathology of Down Syndrome, COVID-19, and Brain Tumors; Biobanking; Pathology Informatics

Atena Zahedi, PhD

Assistant Professor, Clinical Pharmacy Practice

Mitochondria fitness traits (MFTs) and mitochondria transfer (MT) in regulating neurodegenerative diseases and neuroinflammatory disorders