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Facebook LIVE Series


UCI MIND hosts an informative Facebook LIVE video series focused on the most pressing questions and latest research in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The series features live Q&A with a researcher on the first Friday of each month* from 11:00-11:30 AM PST at

To Attend LIVE:

  1. Login (or create an account) at
  2. Visit on the first Friday of each month at 11 AM PST to view our Facebook page (you can also “Like” and “Follow” our page in advance to receive notifications when we go live).
  3. Scroll down our page to find the video, watch it live, and type your questions into the comments box.


*Check calendar to confirm dates

2020 Series

If you miss the live episode or don’t have a Facebook account, you can view all past episodes on our Blog and YouTube channel.