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Annual Emerging Scientists Symposium – Nurturing the Next Generation of Scientists

Today, the UCI MIND trainee-led organization ReMIND held its annual Emerging Scientists day at the UCI Student Center. This annual event gives UCI MIND graduate students, medical students, and post-doctoral scholars opportunities to get out of the laboratory to present their work through posters and oral presentations, to network with and learn from each other, and to generally stay excited about research and the progress we are making toward understanding and discovering solutions for Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders (ADRD) research.

Today’s event showcased cutting edge science, ranging from innovative new mouse models and biomarker development to consideration of the real-world utility of newly approved drug treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Two trainees were also bestowed the Carl Cotman Scholar Award, for their outstanding productivity during their training and their commitment to ADRD research.

Importantly, most of these trainees are funded through their mentor’s NIH grants or through specific NIH training grants held by UCI MIND to support our training mission.

These trainees are the lifeblood of research at UCI MIND. They have at least a dual-identity. They are learning from their mentors and other faculty as students; they are working diligently on research projects in the laboratory, clinic, or in the community; and all the while they are developing their own ideas, their own style, and their own scientific and professional goals. Simply put, they are the future of Alzheimer’s disease research and dementia care in this country, and they are desperately needed. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure their success and their opportunities to pursue their passion—life saving research to make a difference in the lives of older adults living with dementia.