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Dr. Leslie Thompson quoted in Science about new insight into Huntington disease

By Carousel Slider, In the News
Dr. Leslie Thompson Leslie Thompson, PhD, a world renowned scientist and UCI MIND faculty member who studies Huntington disease, was recently quoted in Science about a new landmark paper in Cell. The paper uncovers a more dynamic picture of HTT, the gene responsible for causing the fatal neurodegenerative disease.  To read Dr. Thompson's quotes in Science and learn about the study, click here.
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Happy Lunar Year 2025

By In the News
Happy Lunar New Year. UCI MIND is committed to improving Asian American representation in Alzheimer's disease research and highlighting the important contributions to research being made by our local communities. We wrote about these efforts in our Fall newsletter.  Make this year the year you get involved in research. There are several opportunities to enroll in research: CARE Registry, UCI C2C Registry, ARISE Study, ACAD Study.   
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A Call to Action to Diminish Dementia Risk and Optimize Aging among Black Adults

By Carousel Slider, Community Events, In the News
Recent research has indicated that Americans face an increased lifetime risk of developing dementia. This finding has served as the topic of conversation from the New York Times to Saturday Night Live. Beneath the main headline, the increased lifetime risk of dementia was particularly pronounced among Black adults, who were in danger of developing dementia at three times the rate of White adults and with dementia arriving earlier. Dementia is life-changing for the person with cognitive impairment but also affects the spouses, adult children, and other supporters of older adults. In the article that sparked much of the recent attention,…
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A daughter’s fight to stop the disease that runs in her family

By Carousel Slider, In the News
If you live with or have lost a loved one to Alzheimer’s disease you may find yourself with an inbox filled with well-intentioned emails from family and friends, about the latest research on Alzheimer’s disease or the new cure that drug companies don’t want you to know about. A recent New York Times article hits a bit differently. Linde Jacobs is a woman in her 30s with two young daughters. Four weeks ago, she lost her mother to frontal temporal dementia (FTD) and the article begins with her waiting to hear her genetic test result, that is whether she has…
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Results from Nicotinamide Trial Highlighted

By In the News
Nicotinamide Results from Dr. Joshua Grill's Nicotinamide as an Early Alzheimer's Disease Treatment (NEAT), a phase 2 clinical trial of nicotinamide in early Alzheimer's, were recently published in Neurology  and highlighted in PsyPost, an online psychology news outlet.  To read the article published in PsyPost, click here.
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