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Dr. Daniel Gillen discusses clinical trials and UCI MIND’s annual conference on KUCI radio

By Community Events
This Friday, September 21 marks the 29th Annual SoCal Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference at the Irvine Marriott Hotel. Chair of Statistics and UCI MIND faculty member, Dr. Daniel Gillen, discusses this year’s topic of Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials with KUCI Radio - click here to listen to the podcast >. Dr. Gillen is one of several esteemed researchers who will present on Friday. There’s still time to register! Click here >, call 949.757.3720 x 3733, or purchase Day-Of tickets at the Registration booth.
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Dr. Joshua Grill discusses A4 Study results in Alzforum

By Carousel Slider, Commentary, In the News
This week Alzforum posted coverage from the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, including UCI MIND Director Dr. Joshua Grill's presentation of data from The A4 Study (Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease Study). In The A4 Study, a secondary prevention trial of late-onset Alzheimer's disease, people with elevated amyloid had higher levels of memory complaints than those without elevated amyloid. To read the full article, click here > 
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Orange Coast Magazine calls upcoming conference a “Can’t-Miss” health event in OC

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Orange Coast Magazine​ just named our upcoming research conference in the "20 Can’t-Miss Health Events in O.C. To Keep You Healthy!" Don't miss your chance to attend Trials Today, Treatments Tomorrow, Sept. 21 at the Irvine Marriott​. Tickets: or call 949.757.3720 x 3733. "Alzheimer’s affects more than 84,000 people in Orange County. This conference, hosted by the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) and Alzheimer’s Orange County, will bring world-renowned experts to Irvine to discuss progress in the battle against Alzheimer’s." -- Orange Coast Magazine  
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The impact on everybody else, it’s enormous

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Contributed by Joshua Grill, PhD This week’s 60 Minutes did an excellent job of illustrating, in 13 minutes, the 10-year progression of Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on patients and their caregivers. In addition to the unrelenting progression of the disease, the piece showed viewers the toll the disease takes on care providers, including the physical, financial, and emotional burdens. On average, the cost of caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to exceed $300,000 total. And caregivers are at increased risk for physical and mental ailments, resulting from the stress of their role and the fact that…
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UCI MIND needs volunteers for clinical trials on Alzheimer’s disease

By Carousel Slider, In the News
UCI MIND Director Dr. Joshua Grill wrote an article for the Daily Pilot about the need for Alzheimer's clinical trial research participants in Orange County. Read an excerpt below, and click here for the full article > "Here in Orange County, we are home to the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND). And we are making progress. There will be one essential key to needed advances, however. You. We need more people to participate in research, especially clinical trials of promising treatments. Clinical trial participants in Alzheimer’s research, much like…
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New York Times article breaks down barriers to recruitment and brings hope with a new trial

By Commentary, In the News
Photo credit: Zack Wittman for The New York Times The New York Times recently covered a new clinical trial effort Eli Lilly is undertaking, the TRAILBLAZER-ALZ clinical research study. The study, which UCI MIND investigators are participating in, aims to enroll 375 people with early Alzheimer's disease. To learn more about the TRAILBLAZER-ALZ study, click here, or contact us at or call 949.824.0008.
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Alessandra Martini – UCI MIND at #AAIC18

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UCI MIND postdoctoral researcher Alessandra Martini presents her research on inflammation and cognition in AD at AAIC 2018: "We used the triple transgenic mouse model that was actually developed at UCI, and we are hoping to...use this protein as a possible biomarker or as a target for treatment."
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Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, 2018 Conference Speaker, Wins Lifetime Achievement Award at AAIC 2018

By Community Events
Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, the inventor of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory and international leader in the field of Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials was awarded the Bengt Winblad Lifetime Achievement Award at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. To hear Dr. Cummings lecture about the state of Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials, register for the UCI MIND Southern California Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference at
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