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Dr. Claudia Kawas receives AAIC Lifetime Achievement Award

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UCI MIND congratulates Dr. Claudia Kawas, recipient of the Alzheimer's Association International Conference Bengt Winblad Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Kawas was honored at the 2017 conference in London for her lifetime commitment and contributions to the field of Alzheimer's disease research. Press release > Photo provided by the Alzheimer's Association
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Dr. Joshua Grill Addresses Corporations’ Role in Combating Alzheimer’s

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Co-Director Dr. Joshua Grill and his colleague from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Jason Karlawish, wrote an article for Forbes regarding the role companies must take to fight Alzheimer's in our country. "More than 5,000,000 Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. The cost of their care exceeds $250 billion annually, making this disease more costly than heart disease or cancer. Corporations are incurring costs as well. Adult child caregivers are likely to be working full-time, and therefore they must sacrifice substantial earning potential at precisely the time in life when savings are essential to providing for other dependents, retirement, and…
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Days 4 & 5: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London

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The final 2 days of AAIC 2017 were informative and collaborative for UCI MIND researchers. Day 4 included poster presentations by Chelsea Cox and Dr. Ahmad Sajjadi, and Day 5 featured a lecture by Dr. Andrea Tenner on the biology of complement risk genes in Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, Dr. Lindsay Hohsfield was awarded first place in the postdoctoral poster competition held earlier in the week. We congratulate Lindsay on this accomplishment and all our investigators who shared their cutting-edge work at AAIC this year! In the news, Dr. Gil Rabinovici from the UCSF ADRC presented initial results from the IDEAS…
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AAIC 2017 Research Update: Stress raises risk of Alzheimer’s for African Americans

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An important presentation by UCI MIND’s Dr. Maria Corrada, delivered on July 16 at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London, has generated substantial media attention. The presentation discussed results of a joint study between UCI and Kaiser Permanente researchers, which demonstrated that the increased risk for dementia among African Americans compared to whites known to occur in “younger old ages” persists in people in their 90’s.To read more about this and other work presented at the conference on the risk for dementia among African Americans, click here.
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AAIC 2017 Research Update: Diet & Brain Function

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CNN has featured data presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London, which offer the latest support to the value of a healthy diet to late life brain function. The study by investigators at UCSF and University of Michigan examined a national cohort for adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is associated with lower risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, two conditions linked to Alzheimer's disease. In line with several previous studies, the investigators found that those who eat a diet composed largely of plants and healthy fats (found in fish, nuts and olive oil, for example) are…
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Day 2: Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London

By Commentary, In the News
Day 2 at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference featured a poster presentation from Dr. Chuang-Kuo Wu on his research to better understand and diagnose posterior cortical atrophy (video) and a lecture from Dr. S. Ahmad Sajjadi on higher education as a protective factor against cognitive decline in the oldest-old. Over 5,600 researchers and clinicians are in attendance at the conference this year, providing UCI MIND exciting opportunities to learn from and share findings with our global partners in the fight to solve Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
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Day 1: 2017 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in London

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Day 1 of the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in London has been productive for UCI MIND researchers! Dr. Claudia Kawas was honored for her dedication and contributions to the field with the esteemed Bengt Winblad Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Maria Corrada presented on the racial and ethnic disparities of dementia in people 90 years and older, Dr. Lindsay Hohsfield was selected to participate in a highly competitive postdoctoral poster competition, and Dr. David Baglietto Vargasshared his discovery of the first sporadic Alzheimer's disease mouse model to develop human amyloid beta, which will allow researchers to more effectively investigate disease pathology…
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Dr. Ruth Benca publishes important findings on sleep quality and Alzheimer’s disease risk in Neurology

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UCI MIND faculty member, Dr. Ruth Benca, and her colleagues at the University of Wisconsin, published a paper in Neurology yesterday on the link between sleep quality and risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. The study included 101 cognitively healthy older adults believed to be at an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease based on self-reported family history or presence of the APOE e4 risk gene. Participants answered questions about their sleep quality and underwent a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, so that Dr. Benca and her team could analyze biological changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease using cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). What they found was…
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