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Cancer drug rapidly clears amyloid plaques

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Researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have demonstrated that bexarotene, an FDA-approved drug for the  treatment of skin cancer, dramatically and rapidly clears amyloid plaques from the brains of mice bred with Alzheimer's disease.  Led by Gary Landreth, Ph.D.,  the study just published on line in Science Express, found that bexarotene not only enhanced clearance of beta amyloid, an abnormal protein associated with Alzheimer's disease, but also improved some cognitive and behavioral functions.   After discovering that Apolipoprotein E (ApoE), the main cholesterol carrier in the brain, facilitates clearance of beta amyloid, Landreth and his colleagues decided…
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Obama boosts Alzheimer’s funding by $130 million

By In the News
Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, announced today that the Obama administration would increase funding for Alzheimer's disease research by $130 million.   An extra $50 million will be made available immediately, and another $80 million will be added to the fiscal year 2013 federal budget to be released next week.  In total, this funding represents a 25% increase in funding for Alzheimer's disease research over the next two years.  An additional $25 million will be allocated for caregiver support, provider education, public awareness, and improvements in data infrastructure.  "We can't wait to confront the growing threat that Alzheimer's…
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Aimee Pierce, M.D., Named Medical Director

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Dr. Aimee Pierce, Assistant Clinical Professor in UCI’s Department of Neurology, has been named Medical Director of the UCI MIND Memory Assessment Clinic.  Hailing from Eugene, Oregon, Dr. Pierce earned her B.S. in Biology at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA, and her M.D. at the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons.  After graduating she completed an internship in Internal Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital, a residency in neurology at UCLA, and a fellowship in geriatric neurology and dementia at the VA San Diego Healthcare System affiliated with UCSD.  Dr. Pierce officially joined the Department of Neurology…
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UCI MIND Launches MIND Matters Club

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On January 19, UCI MIND launched the MIND Matters Club at the home of Burton and Linda Young, who graciously hosted this inaugural gathering of individuals who have committed to  giving $1,906 or more annually to UCI MIND.  Guests gathered to hear Dr. Margaret Gatz, Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern California and Foreign Adjunct Professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, describe her research into dementia among Swedish twins.  Dr. Gatz and her colleagues followed Swedish twins across the past 25 years in order to identify differences between twin partners who developed dementia and those who did…
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Join us for the 3rd Annual ReMIND Emerging Scientists Symposium!

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The graduate student group ReMIND and the UCI MIND Institute will be hosting the Emerging Scientists Symposium on Neurological Disorders on February 9th at the University Club. It is a unique opportunity for graduate and postdoctoral researchers to present their work. Renowned Alzheimer's disease researcher Dr. Li-Huei Tsai will give the keynote address. All are welcome to attend!  
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Watch our 2011 Alzheimer’s disease annual conference

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Please click on the following links to watch each of the presenters at our 2012 Alzheimer's disease annual conference: 19th Annual Southern California Alzheimer's Disease Research Conference When Does It Become Dementia? Transitioning from Healthy Aging to MCI and Dementia September 30, 2011 Welcome McGaugh - Making Lasting Memories Morris - Redefining Alzheimer's Disease: The Danger of Revised Criteria for Mild Cognitive Impairment Kawas - Diagnosing Alzheimer's Before Memory Loss Sets In: Proposed Research Criteria Snyder - When the Diagnosis is Early-Stage Alzheimer's: What Happens Next? Tariot - Treating Dementia: A Look at Current and Future Medications Coon - Caregiving…
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Making memories last

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With Alzheimer’s a looming public health crisis, UCI MIND’s director discusses promising research.  Click here to read the full story
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19th Annual Southern California Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference

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When Does It Become Dementia? Transitioning from Healthy Aging to MCI and Dementia September 30, 2011 at the Irvine Hilton, Irvine   The UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) at the University of California, Irvine, the Alzheimer’s Association Orange County Chapter, and Alzheimer’s Family Services Center are pleased to announce the 19th Annual Southern California Alzheimer’s Disease Research Conference, When Does It Become Dementia? Transitioning from Healthy Aging to MCI and Dementia.The conference will be held on Friday, September 30, 2011 at the Irvine Hilton located at 18800 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine. This year we anticipate over 450…
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