Dr. Ahmad Sajjadi
UCI MIND faculty member, Ahmad Sajjadi, MD, PhD, was recently named a member of the Alzheimer’s Clinical Trials Consortium (ACTC) Early Career Project Evaluation Committee (PEC). The ACTC is a clinical trials network designed to accelerate and expand studies for therapies in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. UCI MIND has been a member of the ACTC network since its inception in 2018.
The PEC of the ACTC is an important early first step in determining what trials the network will take on and in this initiative will provide mentorship for early career members.
Dr. Sajjadi is an Assistant Professor of Neurology and a behavioral neurologist with UCI Health. As a UCI MIND investigator, Dr. Sajjadi leads a lab of undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral trainees focused on clinical studies of different types of dementia, including hippocampal sclerosis of aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and primary progressive aphasia. His lab uses brain imaging, neuropsychological testing, and other biomarkers to improve understanding of the clinical profile of those suffering from dementia.