Co-Director Dr. Joshua Grill and his colleague from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Jason Karlawish, wrote an article for Forbes regarding the role companies must take to fight Alzheimer’s in our country.
“More than 5,000,000 Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. The cost of their care exceeds $250 billion annually, making this disease more costly than heart disease or cancer. Corporations are incurring costs as well. Adult child caregivers are likely to be working full-time, and therefore they must sacrifice substantial earning potential at precisely the time in life when savings are essential to providing for other dependents, retirement, and their own health and quality of life. These absent and distracted employees can be unproductive employees. Unfortunately, there’s no treatment to slow the course of this insidious and unrelenting brain disease, treatments that would help not only patients but their caregivers, or, in other words, employees.”
To learn about the policies and attitudes corporations must have to combat this disease, read the full article here>